Oysters are good for the Environment

Unlike most food production operations, growing oysters can have a positive effect on the environment. They also have low visual impact on coastal scenery, the photo above shows one of the biggest oyster farms in the UK, only visible at low tide.

Reducing Carbon Dioxide

Oysters are filter feeders that consume microscopic algae growing in the sea. Algae fix carbon dioxide which becomes permanently locked up in oyster shells as calcium carbonate..

Improving water quality

Discharge of sewage and run off from agriculture can lead to eutrophication causing low oxygen levels where most organisms will die. Oysters are extremely efficient at filtering out the algae that cause these conditions.

A Sustainable Food Source

Farmed oysters do not affect wild stock populations and can even have a positive impact on the water and native wildlife of the area

Organically Produced

Antibiotics are not used at all in production. Oysters obtain all their requirements from microalgae in natural sea water.

Health Benefits

Oysters are a great source of protein and are a healthier choice than most meats due to their low fat content. They are also rich in vitamins (vitamin D, vitamin B12) and minerals (iron, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc) which are known for their contribution to healthy hearts, lowering blood pressure and improving brain function.